Dewitt Town Hall

5400 Butternut Dr, East Syracuse, NY 13057 Facilities: Solar Want to save 183,000 Lbs of CO2 from entering the earth’s atmosphere?? That is exactly what the Town of Dewitt has …

Town of Clay

4401 Route 31, Clay, NY Facilities: Solar In April 2014, The Town of Clay installed a 99kW ground-mount photovoltaic solar array at their Town Hall and Highway Garage located at …

Hansen Advisory Services

7067 E. Genesee in Fayetteville Facilities: Solar Hansen’s Advisory Services, Inc. installed 20 solar panels on their south facing roof and 11 on the west facing roof in March of 2015. Since …

The CCAA at Party for the Planet!

With beautiful sunny weather hitting a high of 70 degrees Fahrenheit by noon, the zoo attendance hit a record of 5008 visitors! The CCAA greatly appreciates this opportunity and had a wonderful time. Mitch and Yvonne (tabling members of the CCAA) greatly enjoyed their time and were pleasantly surprised at how knowledgeable the young zoo visitors were.

King & King Architects

358 W Jefferson St, Syracuse, NY 13202 Facilities: In 2009, King + King Architects took a leadership stance in advancing sustainability by refurbishing an abandoned warehouse into their new headquarters. The structure is …

Synapse Parking Lot

Your commute to work may never be the same! Eliminate the engine fumes from your daily commute to work. This will be a great opportunity for those who are interested, to ask your questions, see the locations, and to learn more about electric cars.